Peter Schiff Net Worth: Earnings, Age, Height, Biography

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Peter Schiff Net Worth: $80 Million (approx.)

Net Worth:$80 Million (approx.)
Date of Birth:Mar 23, 1963
Age:60 years
Profession:Businessperson, Stockbroker, Author, Strategist, Investor, Commentator
Nationality:United States of America

Peter Schiff net worth is around $80 million. Peter Schiff is a famous American stock broker, financial commentator, and radio personality.

Peter Schiff Net Worth

Schiff is CEO and chief global strategistof Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer in Westport, Connecticut.

What is Peter Schiff Net Worth?:

Peter Schiff net worth is around $80 million. Peter Schiff is a famous businessman, broker, author, and commentator.

Peter Schiff Biography:

Nаmе:Реtеr Ѕсhіff
Rеаl Nаmе:Реtеr Dаvіd Ѕсhіff
Аgе:59 уеаrѕ
Віrth Dаtе:Маrсh 23, 1963
Віrth Рlасе:Nеw Наvеn, Соnnесtісut, U.Ѕ.
Неіght:1.74 m
Wеіght:85 kg
Ѕехuаl Оrіеntаtіоn:Ѕtrаіght
Маrіtаl Ѕtаtuѕ:Маrrіеd
Wіfе/Ѕроuѕе (Nаmе):Lаurеn Ѕсhіff
Сhіldrеn:Yеѕ (3 сhіldrеn- Nаmе N/А)
Рrоfеѕѕіоn:Fіnаnсіаl аnаlуѕt, аn есоnоmіѕt, а buѕіnеѕѕmаn аnd а brоkеr
Nеt Wоrth іn 2022:$80 mіllіоn
Lаѕt Uрdаtеd:2022

Peter Schiff was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1963, and earned his accounting and finance degree from the University of California-Berkeley in 1987.

Schiff started his career in the finance world as a stockbroker until he and a partner acquired an old brokerage firm and took it over. Named Euro Pacific Capital, it began in Los Angeles before moving to Connecticut in the mid-2000s. Peter Schiff is Euro Pacific Capital’s CEO and chief global strategist.

Schiff gained international attention for correctly predicting the housing crisis of 2008. Schiff is a frequent financial commentator on networks such as CNBC, Fox News, and Bloomberg TV.

Peter Schiff hosts his own radio show broadcast over the Internet called “The Peter Schiff Show”. Peter Schiff frequently takes a bullish approach to commodities and foreign finances, with a bearish view on the U.S. dollar and economy. The six-time author’s 2007 book, “Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse”, is a “New York Times” bestseller.

In 2010, Peter Schiff ran for the U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut during the Republican Primary, but lost to Linda McMahon. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, Lauren, and their two children.