Alex Smale Net Worth 2023: Earnings, Age, height, childrens, biography

Alex Smale Net Worth: $1 Million (approx.)

Alex Smale Net Worth is at least $1 Million. Although we have no reports on the internet about the wealth of Alex Smale, but we estimate that on the conservative side Alex Smale is worth around $1 Million.

Alex Smale Net Worth

Alex Smale is the founder and creator of Sell What You Know™ . Alex Smale been a digital marketer and coach for over 15 years.

Alex Smale Career:

Alex Smale has Taught and mentored thousands of people all over the world on how to become successful in the digital economy and to live their best lives.

Alex Smale has been homeless twice. Once as a child when my dad went bankrupt. Once as an adult after a relationship ended. So, I’m pretty grounded.

Alex Smale Net Worth

Alex Smale has made computer games for 10 years. Alex Smale has been a pub manager, a zoo manager, a photographer. Alex Smale has developed an award-winning virtual reality technology to help people living with dementia. one can Search for ‘Immersicare’ on YouTube if you’re interested in checking that out. 

Alex Smale Mentorship Program:

Alex area of expertise is helping coaches, mentors and consultants to build a business they love. To get more of the clients they want to work with at a price they are truly worth. Alex and his company typically work with people who already have good coaching skills and we help them grow by aligning their marketing strategy with their business strategy. But we also offer comprehensive training with a wide range of marketing, sales and fulfilment to maximise the success of our students.

Alex and his company work with a small group of select clients over a 14-week window to ensure we are able to give our students the close mentorship they need to progress and succeed with their businesses. It is a workshop environment designed to get coaches and mentors to their goals.

Alex and his company work with you each week on any area of your business that you wish to focus on. From developing your offer to your clients, creating free value and funnels, digital advertising, effective sales and how to deliver a great training program to your clients. With the Sell What You Know™ Mentor and Success program, you get direct access to Alex and the team and all of their many years of experience and expertise, directly applied to your business.

Alex Smale 5 Pillars Of Online Business Success

Our mentorship program, known as the Sell What You Know™ Mentor and Success Program, is based on the 5 main pillars below that are designed in a specific way to help our clients solve the biggest problems in their businesses:

  1. Superior Offer Alchemy™
  2. Building Rapid Authority™
  3. Marketing Made Easy™
  4. Authentic Client Acquisition™
  5. Leveraging Time and Scaling™

Smale only accept a limited number of students that we teach privately and it is extremely important that we feel that we are a good fit for each other in all ways.

Alex Smale childrens:

Alex Smale is Married with 5-year-old twins. Plus, a 5-year-old stepson.